Like a lot of folks, I have been enamored by motion pictures for as long as I can remember. After I learned to recognize plot, I began to see more in films: character development, themes, and composition. I loved talking about these things and all my thoughts kept swirling around my head without a suitable outlet. One fateful day in 2015, I was inspired enough by Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade that I wrote down my thoughts. It just kept on going.

My reviewing days began very young; all that practice helped me improve. I encourage you to see how my reviews from 2015 read compared to ones from 2023.

As you may have noticed, many of my favorite movies lack reviews. I hope to write those one-by-one as I rewatch them.

I am not a writer by trade. I am a computer scientist that really loves going to the movies.

This website has been made with accessbility in mind through idiomatic HTML and the latest CSS techniques. Made with lots of ♥️.

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